embreze® - 20 Apr 2022Five health benefits of green teaSitting on the couch with a cup of tea will allow you to create wonderful moments of rest during the day. To enjoy it to the fullest, you need good quality tea. Green tea is not only delicious or enjoyable to drink, but it also has great health benefits. These are enough reasons to make yourself a nice cup of green tea.Tea BlogWhat is green tea?Green tea consists of tea leaves, which are still green, unlike black tea, whose leaves are colored black. However, both types of tea are made from the same leaves of the same plant called Camellia Sinensis. The color and taste difference arises because the leaves are dried in different ways. With black tea, the leaves are cut into pieces immediately after picking and then let them wither. Then the leaves are dried and oxidized. The longer this process takes, the darker the final tea will be. With healthy green tea, the leaves are also cut, but then the pieces are baked, steamed, or dried in an oven. Green tea sencha is always steamed. Because the leaves dry faster and oxidize less or even not at all, the leaves remain green. The vitamins and antioxidants are better preserved and the color and taste are lighter. Organic loose leaf green tea can be consumed both hot and cold.The benefits of green tea Many avid tea drinkers swear by drinking organic green tea because they attribute all kinds of good properties to this tea, but is green tea truly that healthy? In this blog, we will explain whether green tea is healthy, and the benefits of drinking loose leaf green tea.1. It contains antioxidantsAntioxidants protect your cells from damage, helping to prevent aging. Organic loose leaf green tea is high in antioxidants. This means you are better protected against external influences, such as UV radiation and air pollution. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and several cancers.2. It makes you smarterIt may sound unbelievable, but it's true. Healthy green tea makes you smarter. It contains theine, which improves your brain function. In addition, green tea contains sencha I-Theanine, an amino acid that calms you down and allows you to concentrate better.3. It makes you slimmerDrinking organic green tea stimulates your fat burning. Your metabolism is put into a higher gear, as it were. This way you burn more fat and lose weight. More energy is also released, so you can perform better.4. It ensures healthy teethDrinking organic green tea is of course better for your teeth than drinking a soft drink or juice. The sugar and acids in those drinks affect the tooth enamel. In addition, green tea contains sencha catechins, which reduce the growth of bacteria and viruses in your mouth. That is why you suffer less from plaque, and your teeth will remain healthy and strong.5. It ensures that you drink enoughLet's be honest, organic loose green tea tastes delicious. It has more flavor than water, which makes it easier to consume. Drinking three to five cups of organic green tea a day, means that you can easily commit to the recommended 2.5 liters of water per day. You can alternate different flavors of tea for a little more variety.Healthy green teaWell, you may have already concluded that green tea is good for you. Organic loose leaf green tea is especially healthy because it does not contain any harmful substances. In addition, with organic loose leaf green tea, the taste is better absorbed in the water which leads to a stronger tea flavor. Perfect for your ultimate moment of enjoyment. Are you convinced of the health benefits of green tea? Then order our available green teas to create a healthier lifestyle.
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